A transformed, equitable and self-sufficient community where everyone has life in its fullness in areas we work.


Our Strategic Pillars

1. Mindset Change and Capacity Building

TDI believes that the realization of its vision requires the cultivation of a new way of thinking and doing things.

We acknowledge the importance of mindset change at the individual, household and community level to be the driving force towards the realization of a transformed, equitable and self-sufficient community

Therefore, TDI  intensifies capacity building and advocacy interventions targeting local church and community leaders, government officials and politicians as agents of change in pushing forward the mindset change agenda.

2. Social Services

TDI believes that the church as an institution defines not only the moral fabric that hold communities together, but also complement the efforts of Government in the provision of socio-economic amenities, therefore

TDI engages local churches and communities to address contextual issues such as poverty, disease, illiteracy, hunger, climate change, gender based violence, lack of ownership and participation, and lack of sustainability of interventions by supporting them to build relevant ministries/approaches that are inclusive, efficient, effective and able to improve the livelihoods of the vulnerable groups in the community in a sustainable manner using both externally sourced and locally available resources, guided by Christian values and principles.

2. Self-Sustenance

TDI take lessons learnt from the impact of COVID 19 to be the foundation step towards the need for local organizations to have alternative income sources as survival strategies in time of need.

TDI shares its best practices on self-sustenance and inculcates a spirit of hard work at individual, local church and community level by encouraging self-initiatives and innovations in order to break the vicious cycle.