Project Background

Agriculture is the single most important sector of the economy in Malawi and Chitipa district in particular. Its responsible for the production of diverse and nutritious foods, provides livelihoods and employment to over 90 percent of the Chitipa population. Extreme climatic shocks and economic shocks are amongst key issues that negatively affect food production in the district. Much that the government and implementing partners are supporting vulnerable households through various social provision and protection programs such as the social cash transfer, public works and Agriculture Input Program (AIP), the number of those benefiting has kept reducing leaving majority of vulnerable households with limited option. The cost of improved seed and fertilizer has increased by more than 50% and is not affordable to majority of peasant farmers resulting to low productivity.

With Mk 6.3-million-kwacha funding from Willow Creek Church, this project targeted to train 178 households in production of Mbeya fertilizer for increased crop production. The current cost of fertilizer makes it very difficult for an ordinary household to procure more than two bags

Project Expected Outcome

100% of the beneficiaries who achieve household food security and dignified social well – being, and able to start investing for the future of the family.

Planned Activities against Achieved Results

S#Planned ActivitiesAchieved results
 Conduct  mapping and registration of SGM matured groups1183 matured groups identified as the project target in the next 4 years
 Conduct baseline for registered group membersBaseline done and results will be shared
 Conduct group members training on Mbeya fertilizer formulation179 pilot beneficiaries from 8 SGM groups trained
 Conduct follow- up visits to trained beneficiariesTo be done in Q1 of 2024
 Conduct joint monitoring visitsTo be done in Q 1 of 2024
 Conduct DAEC meetingTo be done in Q1 of 2024

Project Successes and Lessons

  1. 59 farmers out of the trained 179 were able to make Mbeya fertilizer and use for the 2024 growing season representing 33%
  2. There is no difference in the fields between those who have applied Mbeya fertilizer and those who have used chemical fertilizer and the yield is promising.
  3. Those who have used Mbeya fertilizer report a 50% reduction on the cost of inputs(fertilizer) used for this year farming season.
  4. There was limited time of preparation to enable farmers gather raw materials for making Mbeya fertilizer (pig manure) hence low usage late @ 33%
  5. Being a new concept, some trained farmers want to learn through physical observation from others hence the low adoption rate at 33%
  6. After learning from the success of others farmers who used Mbeya fertilizer, there is huge demand for lessons on Mbeya fertilizer production.

Way forward

  • Complete the remaining activities for this quarter
  • Support supervision and result documentation and dissemination
  • Develop a full project on Mbeya fertilizer concept to target more beneficiaries