TDI is directly supporting 4 Church Based Child Development Centers in Chitipa and indirectly working with 45 others through local churches in the network. 1,900 children are being supported through this program. Chitipa has huge gaps relating to good service delivery regarding ECD services ranging from lack of permanent structures, untrained caregivers, lack of water and sanitary facilities as well as teaching, learning and cooking materials etc. There are over 561 ECD centers of which only 135 have permanent structures representing 24%. 47% of caregivers are untrained. TDI has been helping local churches with support from Willow Creek Community Church to construct permanent CBCCs as well as in building the capacity of caregivers and school management to ensure that children receive proper care and centers are well run. Mwenje African in Nthalire Church Network is one of the few churches with the passion to improve quality of Childhood learning. The church constructed CBCC structure and TDI helped to finish roofing, plastering and flooring, training 10 caregivers and 10 school management committee and provision of teaching, learning and cooking materials to a total cost of 12.8 million.

Key achievements

During training, caregivers were taken through theory and practical sessions including making of teaching materials from locally available resources
  • 10 caregivers and 10 school management committees were trained on how to teach children and how to manage the CBCC center
  • Mwenje CBCC was supported with cooking, teaching and learning materials
  • Caregivers were trained in making of play materials from local available resources making and record keeping.
  • Care givers applied what they learned during the training and displayed the learning areas
  • Caregivers were given ECD syllabus to guide caregivers when teaching children 
  • 73 children are learning and developing well at the supported CBCC as children continue learning using a variety of learning and teaching resources both locally made and synthetic made.

The conducive learning environment created at the new CBCC is attracting more learners to